Monday, July 25, 2011

Adrianne Aziana a.k.a Anz, maybe you never hear about this name. But not for all of the students of Bina Bangsa University, and also its academic civitas. Anz is not a scarce name for them. How not ? Anz is the most popular girl in that university. Beautiful, sexy, rich, clever, and kind. But unfortunately, Anz is well known as a girl who always change her boyfriends. It’s not because of she’s a playgirl or always bored with one man, but don’t know why every man that is close to her,  he will want to play on her. None of them sincerely love her. They are just aiming Anz’s wealth and reputation as a popular and rich girl.
Like today, Anz is just fighting with Adam, his new boyfriend who has been dated for 2 weeks. Adam is a popular man in Bina Bangsa University. Adam is detected cheating on Anz with kiss another girl in the night club and Avi, Anz’s best friend, caught him up. Avi recorded some scenes that preview Adam who kissed another girl via her mobile phone.
 “ Hey, maybe it’s just Avi made that video may we have fight! “ Adam yelled to Anz.
“ Really ? What’s the benefit for Avi ? She’s my childhood best friend! She is impossible for lying to me. Alright, Adam. You are same with another man, aren’t you ? You dated me just for your popularity right ?!” Anz said.
“ Yes! I am like the other man who has dated you! I dated you, it’s just for fun. You are truly beautiful,  rich, smart, sexy, but you’re too naïve and totally uninteresting. So what for dating with a naïve girl who don’t want to be invited to go to night club, refuse to be kissed, etc. ? It’s totally fusty!” Adam opened his real mask by himself.
Yeah, Anz always refuse to do a free relationship without knowing the limit of it. Almost all of the men that has been dated by Anz were dumped because of their dating style.
“ Fine! Now I already know what kind of guy you are. Thank you for dating me for two weeks!” Anz said that and then she walks away from Adam.
                “ Hey girl, before you go to another relationship, please study how to kiss your boyfriend! Hahaahahahaha! “ Adam teased Anz.
                When Anz heared Adam’s statement, Anz reverses her body. Her face becomes red because she’s so angry, her left hand is clenched, her breath is fast than usual, and her right hand which is holding a paper glass which is fulfilling with a quarter-fill of cappuccino is ready to do what it has to do. Anz walks to Adam again.
                “ Say it once again! “ Anz said.
                “ Should I ? OK, I will. Before you go to another relationship, it’s better for you to learn how to kiss your boyfriend. Believe me, Anz. You won’t ever be cheated by your boyfriend anymore. “ Adam said with teasing tone to Anz.
                “ Hmmm … good advice. I will try to learn it then. Oh ya, ini salam perpisahan untuk kita. Thank you Adam! “ Anz said with her sweet smile and throws her cappuccino which is on her right hand to Adam’s face.
                Adam is shocked. He swaps his face. Anz laughs. Then Adam wags his clothes which is wet and has a coffee smell also stain.
“ Damn you, Anz! “ Adam yelled.
                “ You’re a thousand times jerk than me! Enjoy that! “ And said relievely.
                But although Anz is so relieve by throwing cappuccino to Adam’s face, she’s still a fragile heart girl. One of Anz habit if she’s on the bad mood is going to her favorite café, Tiramisu Café. Yes, this café just serves many kind of tiramisu. And tiramisu is Anz’s the most favorite cake ever. When she arrives at Tiramisu café, Anz is soon taking a seat in the corner of the café which has a beautiful view and she feels that she can listen to the song which is played by Tiramisu café’s home band clearly. Because she often comes to that café, she’s even knowing some of waiters and waitresses’ name.
                “ Good afternoon, Miss Anz! What do you want to order today ? “ A waiter, who has a name tag in his chest with name ‘ RIO ‘, greeted to Anz.
                “ Eh, Hi Mr. Rio! I want to order classic tiramisu for today. And also …, “.
                “ Lemon Tea Ice with extra lemon so the taste will be sourer than usual, isn’t it ? “ Rio said and cut Anz’s talk.
Anz is so amazed with Rio, but she’s soon realize to close her mouth and change it with her best smile.
                “ Ok, wait for a minute Miss!” then Rio walks away from Anz.
                Not waiting for so long time, Rio brings Anz’s order. Rio puts a plate which is filling with a slice of classic tiramisu which is decorated with a fresh strawberry and delightful chocolate sauce in around of the plate, also lemon tea ice with extra lemon, in front of Anz’s face carefully.
                “ Thank you, Mr. Rio!” Anz said when Rio is done put Anz’s order in the table.
                “ You’re welcome! If there’s something that I can help, please call me. Excuse me. “ Rio said politely.
                Almost in all of Anz’s visit to Tiramisu Café, Rio always serves Anz kindly. Rio, 25 years old, a diploma graduated from one university, handsome, and also kind.  Actually, Rio can get a better job than just be a waiter. But don’t know why he always still want to be a waiter. Once, Rio caught Anz up when that girl cried a lot while played straw on her lemon tea ice glass. Rio always took a look on Anz although he is busy to serve another customer. But at that day, Anz stayed at that seat of the café until the café would be closed. She just look at the outside of the café, ordered lemon tea ice until seven times, and sometimes swap her tears. Because the café would be closed soon, so Rio came to Anz.
                “ I am sorry, Miss. We will close the café. “ Rio said slowly.
                But how surprise Rio is when suddenly Anz hugged his waist. She cried a lot while hugged Rio’s waist. Rio calmed her down soon while uncare about his friends’ stare at him. Rio took Anz’s hug off slowly and went to take his work bag. Rio invited Anz to go outside together and he still calmed Anz down whose heart is broken by love. That was happened when Anz was dumped by Ronald, her childhood friend who become her boyfriend for 4 years, but it must be ended when Ronald decided to receive his marriage plan with Laura, a girl that was matchmade by Ronald’s parents, on age 20 years old. So, Rio and Anz is actually quite close each other, although just become a waiter and customer relationship.
                “ Mr. Rio!” Anz called Rio.
                Rio, who has wiped some plates and glasses, leaves his job for a while and walks closer to Anz.
                “ Yes, Miss Anz. What can I do for you ? “ Rio asked.
                “ I need help and some minutes ago, Mr. Rio said,  if I need help, so I have to call Mr. Rio, right ?” Anz said.
                “ Hmmm … yeah true, I said that before. So, what can I do for you ? “ Rio said.
                “ Would you accompany me to talk here ? Just for a while …,” Anz asked something to Rio.
                “ Hah ? “ Rio is surprised.
                “ Don’t worrt, I will ask for permission to Mr. Aldi. I just need 15 minutes to talk. “ Anz said. Then Anz walks to meet Mr. Aldi. Mr. Aldi is a manager of Tiramisu Café. Rio doesn’t have a time to answer Anz’s ask.
                Rio sees to Anz who talks to Aldi. Aldi seems allow Anz’s ask. Anz gives her smile. When Anz returns to her seat, Rio is soon moving his sight.
                “ Let’s take a seet, Mr. Rio!” Anz said while letting Rio to sit.
                “ What do you want to talk with me, Miss Anz ? “ Rio asked.
                “ Anz, please. No ‘ Miss ‘ on the beginning. “ Anz answered.
                “ Ah, OK … Anz. “ Rio said it rigidly.
                Anz takes a long breath. She’s hardly to breath. Before talking, Anz reaches a glass of lemon tea ice which is in front of her face and drinks it until there’s half portion left.
                “ I feel so sad. “ Anz said to start their conversation.
                “ I know. “ Rio said.
                “ How do you know it, Mr. Rio ? “.
                “ Rio, please …,”
                “ Oh OK Rio …,”.
                “ I always look at you, Anz. You always come here with rumpled and flat face, no happiness shine in your eyes, and always sulky. When you try to hide your sadness, I already know that actually you’re so sad. I can see it when you look at my eyes when you order some foods to me. “ Rio explained.
                “ Including of today ? “.
                “ Totally true! I’m sorry, if I got an allowance to know, is now your problem similar to your previous problem ?” Rio asked.
                “ What do you mean ? “ Anz asked.
                “ Broken hearted. Like your previous love story with … ah, sorry …, “ Rio doesn’t have any brave to continue his words.
                “ You’re right, Rio. Now is the same condition. Something happened between me and Ronald before is now happening again to me and Adam. I never understand, actually what’s less from me ? They said, I’m such an almost perfect girl, whether physically and brainly. But if like that, why do my love stories always jump to the same hole and never become a beautiful love relationship like Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston or …,”.
                “ Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were divorced, Anz. “ Rio cut Anz’s sentence.
                “ Ah, yeah! And the point now, why do my love stories never become a beautiful relationship like Cinderella or like Belle and The Beast ? “ Anz takes the main point and then cut the tiramisu into a small pieces with spoon and feed it to her mouth.
                Rio takes a deep breath and exhales it. Then Rio looks into Anz.
                “ How’s the tiramisu, Anz ? “ Rio asked.
                “ As usual, delicious and sweet. “ Anz answered while feed another small pieces of tiramisu to her mouth.
                “ But if you eat it more than this, it will be a bitter one and you feel nauseated. “ Rio said.
                “ I am never feeling bored to eat tiramisu. But … yeah … if I eat 2 -3 slices again, maybe I will feel nauseated too. “ Anz agreed to Rio’s statement.
                “ It’s same to love, Anz. By what I thought, if we fall in love with someone, don’t give all of your love. If you’re now having 10 loves, don’t spend them just to that person. Know what, as the time goes on, you will feel a bitter condition. You will feel soooo in love with him, but he’s not. “ Rio said.
                Anz is quiet when she heard Rio’s sentence.
                “ Besides that, because you are so in love, so that man will oftenly trick on you. They think that you are so in love to himself and will never leave you. Finally, he will do whatever he like. Like cheating on behind you. That’s the negative point because we feel so in love with another human, Anz. “ Rio continued it.
                “ So that’s my weakness ? Feel so in love to human ? “ Anz asked.
                “ You have heard my opinion. You can conclude it, don’t you ?” Rio said. He gives Anz his smile which makes Anz’s heart shivers.
                “ Another one, tiramisu is also being a symbol of life. Tiramisu is consisting of some cake layer. There is egg yolk layer, mascarpone cheese layer, coffee and chocolate layer, and also there are ladyfinger biscuits in the middle. Life is sometimes so smooth, like egg yolk and mascarpone cheese, but it can be bitter and pebble, like when you bite coffee-chocolate layer and bit its ladyfinger biscuit. So Anz, life is not forever beautiful and the important is life is once. Your task now is make your life, that you have said your life is bad, become more beautiful. I don’t know the way. Just you and God know how to make your life more beautiful although you’re in the bitter condition or step on the gravels. “ Rio explained.
                Anz smiles after listening to long explanation from Rio. Rio feels bad when he sees Anz’s smile. Anz smile’s is not bad.
                “ Why, Anz ? Why do you just smile ? Am I too much talking ? I’m sorry if it’s like I teach you. “ Rio said.
                “ No, no Rio. What you have said is true. I agree. I’m happy that you’re much talking today. Maybe I will sleep tight tonight. I will never think about my relationship with Adam again. “ Anz said happily.
                “ Too much. “ Rio said while try not to laugh.
                “ I think nope!” Anz said.
                Suddenly, Aldi, a manager of Tiramisu Café, comes to Anz and Rio. He speaks politely,
                “ I’m sorry for bothering you, Miss Anz. I want to ask your permission because Rio must back to his work  now. I’m sorry if I cut Miss Anz and Rio’s conversation. “.
                Aldi bows respectfully to Anz and then return to his space. Anz replies Aldy by nod her head.
                “ I’m sorry, Anz. I have to back on my work. I hope you will feel better. Be a strong woman, Anz. You can do it!” Rio said. Then Rio stands up and make the seat position is in the right place again.
                “ Wait a minute, Rio!” Suddenly Anz holds Rio’s hand. Again, Rio is surprised.
                “ Why ? “ Rio asked.
                “ Tomorrow … I will come again. You … do you want to make the sweetest tiramisu for me ? Special for me. No bitter taste!” Anz ordered to Rio.
                “ If there’s no bitter taste, it can’t be called as tiramisu. That’s called Cheese cake. “ Rio said.
                “ Whatever the name is, I will ask for the sweetest tiramisu tomorrow. It has to be made by you! I’ll see you! “ Anz said. She takes her bag soon and go to cashier.
                Rio is left by Anz and he’s just smiling when see Anz walks out from that café.



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