Hello !
I am Aka, the newest Manager of Lee Min Ho fan club at Korea,com. I think I have to make a correction on my previous post. Because manager position is already filled by me, so Korea.com doesn’t open any manager recruitment again. But now, we are opening Staffs recruitment. What kind of staffs that we need for ?
Here is the list :
1. Graphic Design staff
We are looking for a graphic design staff. We need this position urgently to design our fan club. If you are eligible to fill this position, please send your application to us.
2. News Redaction
In the news redaction, there are 2 positions, News Reporter and News Translator. So every news that reporter get must be translated by News Translator ( if it’s from Korea to English ) then the translated news must pass to Manager for editing stuff and updating the news by making a new post on fan club page. If the news is already English, Reporter will just pass the news to Manager for editing and no need to pass it to Translator.
If you are eligible to be News Reporter and News Translator ( Korea – English, English – Korea ), hurry send us your application.
3. Video Uploader
This position is for uploading any newest video from Lee Min Ho. You just need to search it on Youtube or another video upload site, then post it in our fan club page. Interested ? Send your application now.
So I need 4 peoples to fill all of this position. Staffs position is almost same like manager. So you have same rights like me. I have one applicant to be review. All of application can be sent to engc@korea.com with subject APPLYING FOR LEE MIN HO FAN CLUB STAFFS. Send your data ( the format is like Korea.com made ) and show how serious you want to be Lee Min Ho fan club staff. I hope I can get all of your application before Sunday, March, 6th 2011 at 9 pm KST then I will make a screening test on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, March, 7th, 9th, and 10th. I will decide your screening test schedule after I receive all of application on Sunday SOON. It’s not a difficult test, just non-formal talk with me. But still prepare for this to show me your seriousness.
Got confused or need more info ? To get a direct response, reach me on :
1. Twitter : @chan_akakobo
2. Facebook : Akaa Kobo Chan
3. Web Blog : kobochangirl-aka.blogspot.com
So what are you waiting for ? Don’t miss this chance to be Korea.com’s staffs and show your true love to Lee Min Ho now. MINOZ, HWAITING ! ^^
PS : This is the format of email for your application :
1. Which fanclub are you applying for? ACTOR - LEE MIN HO - ( NEWS REDACTION / VIDEO UPLOADER / GRAPHIC DESIGN STAFF )
2. Name:
3. Age:
4. Nationality:
5. Active Period: ( Morning / Afternoon / Night / A whole day )
6. Email:
7. Twitter Link:
8. Facebook Link:
9. Your blog address(if any):
10. Korea.com ID :
11. Proof (how well you can manage it):
and send it to engc@korea.com before Sunday, March, 6th 2011 at 9 pm KST. Thank you.