Friday, February 25, 2011
It was a big chance for me to attend a discussion about Indonesian youth with Monique Coleman. Do you know Monique Coleman ? Hmm if you don't know, how about Taylor McKessie in High School Musical, a Disney drama ?
of course you know her ! ^^ On Monday, February, 21st 2011, I got a special invitation from At America, America's culture center to attend Coleman's talkshow. Monique Coleman came to discuss about Indonesian youth. She is United Nation Youth Ambassador . Coleman has joined forces with United Nation officials to promote The International Year of Youth and she will dedicate her time to raise awareness of children and teenagers who make positive contribution to society.
Me and another 250+ people joined this discussion with Coleman, Sahid and Ishaq ( UN Champion from Indonesia ), and our moderator, Alanda Kariza, a girl who have made Indonesian Youth Conference. This event opened by Monique Coleman who gave her opening speech.
This event was overall talked about Education. There are many question from the audiences about Education in America, even is there bullying which is involving US Youth. I was impressed when I listened to Monique, Sahid, Ishaq, and Alanda talk. In fact, US Youth is fortunate than Indonesia youth to get a better education. They are free to choose what they want to study and government will help if there are children who can't pay for their school. Until now in Indonesia, even there are so many children who don't get their rights to have a better education. They don't go to school and play around in the street while searching for money. How poor.
They can have their right to go to school by scholarship, but the scholarship which is provided is on small number. Not all can get that. No enough socialization to Indonesian youth how to fight for getting the scholarship. Sahid said, " I was from a small village in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. My family isn't a rich people. But I have a big willingness to school. Finally I got a scholarship. But without this scholarship, maybe I won't attend to school and can't stand here in front of you ". We just can find a small number of Indonesian youth who has a big willingness to study like Sahid. So we must socialize to them about their right to get a better education. So do the government.
After that, we moved to bullying topic. There was one audiences who share with us about bullying. He always had bullied because of his sexual orientation. He's a gay and his environment doesn't like what happen to him. Why he had to be bullied, in fact he never do something wrong to his environment. Ah, Indonesian still don't understand about differential and our ideology. Our ideology, Pancasila, said PERSATUAN INDONESIA. It means Indonesia United. So although we are different each other, we have to be unite. Bully means you don't appreciate with another people's difference. Hate that.
But I'm so appreciate to Fandy who want to admit about his gay stuff and gave another audiences a new knowledge from his story. Unfortunately I can't take his photo :(
I want to ask something to Monique, but I don't get that chance. Hmm maybe next time :)
But the important for us is keep confidence with whatever we have in ourselves, Use your weakness as your strength. Don't be shy if you have different side from your environment during you do the right one. Keep spirit, Indonesia youth ! Go go go !
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left to right : Sahid, Alanda Kariza, Monique Coleman, Ishaq |
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Me and Alanda Kariza, the moderator |
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Me and Monique Coleman, such a big honor to get a photo with her ^^ |
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I am a broadcasting student. This blog contain everything. You can read about my review, my project plan ( as a broadcaster, absolutely), and whatever they are. So come in ! :-D