Saturday, March 13, 2010


I saw you in the dark
And I'm not too sure that's you
I try to be in front of you
But, I can't walk to
I want to hug you
It's nonsense
Everything is invisible

Where are you going ?
Hey, I'm here !
Come in !
Don't leave me ! I don't want to be alone

Stop !
Please ....
Talk to me
Shout to me
Or anything ....

Is that you ?
I can hear your breath now
I can feel your heart beat
But you're still invisible

May I see you ?
No ? why ? any problem with that ?
* " Love is the curious stuff, guess who I am when someday I'm back to you ....

No .... No ....
Don't Goooooo !!!!


  1. Anonymous said...
    is it means he didnt want to talk to?
    or he didnt want to see you to?
    we didnt know what's in others mind, well.. then why didnt you ask or chase him to get the answer? hahha
    gw ga bisa bahasa jawa, maaf yaa :D
    Aka Kobo said...
    He just want to hear from me but he don't want to say anything, xiaojie ...
    Oh, you order me to get answer from THAT MAN ?? Oh, please .... My mouth is gettin' numb when I'm in front of him ... wakakakaka ^^
    Let me say to you, someday, he'll just be mine ! wohooo .... ngarep sumpah !

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