Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Read what Nazila, my friend, wrote on her blog :
" sabtu ini, gw sibuk dengan tugas editing berita tv yang kemarin telah gw liput.
kemarin gw kesel, dari 5 orang lapangan, cuma 3 orang yang liputan dan itu cewe semua..
sisanya adalah cowo yang malas.
saat itu gw menelpon salah satu cowo dan ternyata dia masih dirumah.gw di kampus, depok. dan rumah dia di tanggerang. oh really it makes me mad!
akhirnya gw bertiga cabut langsung tanpa dua orang cowo ini, arrgggg.. awalnya kesel, marah, tapi semua hilang gitu aja setelah mulai editing..
hari ini, sabtu, 17 desember 2010, adalah hari terakhir kuliah di semester 5.. dari 3 mata kuliah, cuma satu orang dosen yang masuk, dan itu quiz. ouuchhh!!
setelah itu gw dan yang lain hectic dengan editing yang akan dikumpul selasa sebagai syarat mengikuti ujian..
menghabiskan semester ini full di kampus, bareng temen-temen, seneng dibagi bersama, kegilaan dengan saling cela, saling ejek dan saling bantu ngerjain tugas rasanya akan menjadi kenangan yang ga akan terlupakan di semester ini..
walaupun gw dari kemarin2 diejek tentang cowo yang pernah gw tolak dan tentang voice notes yang gw kirim ke beberapa temen buat menghibur tapi malah jadi bahan ledekan -________-
okeee, gw ceritain siapa aja rekan gw itu yaa hahhahha
dimulai dari aka. sebut saja bishooon..diantara gw dan yang lain, dialah yang paling gila..
apapun yang kita sebut atau lakuin, kalo ada dia langsung jadi heboh.. entah mengapa..
okay, dia adalah pencinta korea dengan obsesi bertemu Lee Min Ho.
dan memiliki satu cinta namanya Mas SG, walaupun kita semua sebagai temennya bilang: "udaaaaaaah, ngarep aja lo sama dia.. lagian di otaknya ga ada cewe, cuma ada karier" hahhahha kasian si aka :p
dia manggil gw banyak.. kadang sotong, kadang bones, kadang xiaojie (dlm bhs mandarin artinya nona)
sedangkan gw manggil dia juga banyaak.. kadang bishon, kadang jelly, kadang jiejie (dlm bhs mandarin artinya kakak perempuan kadang ete icoon (bahasa padangnya tante kalo gasalah)
cerita yang paling bikin ngakak adalah ketika kita selesai kelas pak ted, di gedung E.. saat gw nunggu yang lain di luar kelas, dan aka keluar, tiba-tiba aka di tabrak sama gugun. gugun punya badan yang gede dan aka saat itu kalah lawan gugun, karena badannya kalah gede.. liat peristiwa kemari tuh kayak liat adu banteng hahahhahhahaha
selanjutnya adalah frana dan tika
frana adalah temen gw dulu pas despro. Saat itu gw jadi produser dan dia jadi art director. Tapi berhubung gw kecelakaan, dia membantu back up gw di lapangan..
nah, skrg kita ketemu lagi saat produksi featdoc, produksi berita tv, mmm dan segala macem kelompok gw bareng terus sama dia -_____-
uniknya ketemu orang ini, dia cowo tapi bigooos bangeeet!! Sumpah deh, gw masih bingung peristiwa semester lalu saat gw nolak seseorang dia dan yang lain sampe tau.. dapet kabar darimana ya? Aduh aduuuuh, ADOOOOOHHHH....
tadi saat gw lagi sibuk dengan premiere bareng tika, bisa-bisanya dia ngeledek sama si cowo itu.. pokoknya adaaaaa aja yg bisa digosipin sama cowo ini, oh my god!!
Tika adalah temen dari semester kemarin-kemarin.. gw sempet mau bantu dia semester kemarin jadi ass. Sutradara tapi ternyata sebelum berangkat gw kecelakaan dan ga jadi bantu.. pdhl pengeeen banget hiks hiks tapi yasudahlah, produksi dia tetep jalan dengan baik alhamdulillah..
Dia orang yang paling stress semester ini, karena jadi produser featdoc. Matakuliah yang paling menyita waktu dan otak.. naaah, dia sempet ditaksir sama anak sanggar akar dan itu menjadi bahan ledekan yang paling maknyus untuk dilempar ke public hahahhaha saat dibahas tentang cowo yang naksir sama dia, pasti rautnya berubah jd males
Tika sering dipanggil dugong.. karena kita punya perkumpulan binatang langka, jadi tika dapetnya dugong ahhahha dia tadinya adalah orang terheboh sejagad raya, tp karena stress sepertinya itu semua berkurang hahhahha jadi turun tahta dan berubah jadi julukan aka..
Selanjutnya saya perkenalkan sahabat karib saya di kampus..
Namanya gledis, dia sering dipanggil tapir sama yang lain, hahhahha sering tertindas karena bb nya sering dibajak. Baik ubertwitter ataupun bbm nya..
Gledis sempet dipuji sama dosen karena pas liputan kita, dia jadi reporter dan membawakan live report dengan baik horeeee!!!
Dia tuh sering jadi bahan bulliying si ete icoon karena dia susah marah.. kalopun marah pasti deh dianggap bercanda..
Kita bbrp produksi ga bareng tapi cukup banyak kok yang barengnya :D
Apalagi yaa yg belakangan ini bikin konyol hahhaha
Oh iyaaa, si julius.. dia orangnya innocent tapi kocak.. kocaknya adalah kalo ngomong meyakinkan banget, seolah beneran.. padahal itu boong -_____-
Aduuh pokoknya hari ini walaupun berat dan menyebalkan adalah hari yang tak terlupakan buat gw karena orang-orang ini hahahahha "
Puas lo, sotong, xiaojie, bones !!!! lo mempermainkan gue !! hahahahahahahahahaha
Monday, December 13, 2010
Hmm ... seems my post title today is like my segment name in our (selfmade) radio. Hahahaha ... yeha, I don't know what I have to write now. I think still about that man !
Ah, it's really hard to forget him. Absolutely I can't ! He's too difficult to forget and to ignore. I never can take my eyes off from him although I have defenced my eyes. What is your interesting point so I can't take my eyes off of you ?
Hope to be with him ? of course. I don't know when. Don't ask me to tell my feeling first. I don't have any brave to. It's same like you ask me to touch a snake. It's same like you ask me to do bungee jumping. It's same like you ask me sleep with a thousand cocroaches ! seems so exaggerated, but it is. I really don't have any brave to say love. hmmm ... any advices for me ?
But man please, give me a chance. He wants to reach his target for his carreer, I never against him. I have my own business and let we do our business well but we still together. how's it ? Just support each other and we can share everything by two of us everyday. Hmmm ... seems so happy. Hope that condition will come here SOON ! Please God ! Why don't you give him to me now ???
Friday, October 15, 2010
0 comments Posted by Aka Kobo at 12:23 AMYou must still remember about our christmas project which is collaborate with UNICEF and Lee Min Ho right ? Nah, here I want to promote some merchandise. It's a unique wallets from Prada and Louis Vittoun. It's not too expensive With buy one of these, you've just donated for UNICEF and helping Lee Min Ho to collect funds which will be donated to unlucky children in this world.
Here are the models :
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Louis Vittoun Epileather - Purple |
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Louis Vittoun Epileather - Assorted colours |
2. This is the complete colour version of the models above and the price is IDR 145,000 or US$ 14,5. For Jakarta, Indonesia and around Jakarta ( Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi ), you are FREE from delivery charge. But if you're in outside Jakarta and around, even in another country, we will put a delivery charge on your bill.
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Louis Vittoun Taiga - Assorted Colours |
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Louis Vittoun Taiga #2 - Assorted colours |
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Prada - Pink |
These are the models. If you're interested in one of them, please feel free to contact us by :
Twitter :
@chan_akakobo ( Aka, Lead Moderator of International BOF Forum )
@tykhaaa ( Our distributor )
E-mail :
Or by Blackberry Messenger ( you can ask for the PIN then I send you my PIN by PM you here )
For sending the stuffs, we will use TIKI if you're in INDONESIA. But if you're not in INDONESIA, we will send it by FEDEX or later we can confirm it. Ask us about the delivery charge.
So guys, make your Christmas different with the previous years by helping each other
I'll wait for your order soon ^^ Thank you.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Omo, Wednesday was our bored day, I think. Jadi kemaren itu OENJOE MOENJOE ( I think it's my group name ... hahaha ) ada kelas Feature and Documentary. Hmmm ... so bored. Kuliah dari jam 4 sampe jam 7 kurang 10. Whattahell ! You know what, I'm tremendously bored. Dosen gue asik nerangin tentang penggunaan kamera dan teori warna. Omo, I didn't catch them all :(
Untuk rehat sejenak, keluarlah gue dan Tika ke luar kelas. Niatnya cuma mau nganterin gue ke WC. eh malah yang keluar jadi banyak. Hahahahaha. Gilanya, we took some photos ! even in the toilet ! Here they are.
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Even we took a photo in the toilet ! |
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Three of us :D |
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These two girls are my friends, TIKA and RIRIN |
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Another pic of TIKA and RIRIN |
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Lagu Galau Untuk Yang Patah Hati ( sebenarnya ini untuk gue :'( )
0 comments Posted by Aka Kobo at 11:10 PMOmo, ternyata patah hati itu menyakitkan ! Hmmm ... sebenarnya udah lama gue declare gue nyerah sama cinta terakhir gue itu. Dan akhirnya nothing happens after we don't meet for a long time. Tapi entah kenapa begitu kita lagi dengan waktu yang intens dan dia selalu menyelimuti pandangan gue, secara nggak sengaja rekaman-rekaman kejadian menyedihkan itu balik lagi di otak gue. seandainya otak gue dilengkapi dengan kamera ENG, mungkin bisa langsung dibuat film kali. Galaunya gue semakin bikin hati gue sesaaakkk banget. Di balik gue di kelas, tapi tetep aja ada perasaan nggak enak saat dia terus ada di ruang lingkup pandangain gue. Dia bukan yang pertama di hati gue, tapi dia yang memporak porandakan hati gue sampe segininya. Omo please, you're so mean to me dude ! Mean here is JAHAT. Kayak lagunya Agnes Monica :
Biarlah ku sentuhmu
Berikanku rasa itu
Pelukmu yang dulu
Pernah buatku
Ku tak bisa paksamu
'tuk tinggal disisiku
Walau kau yang selalu sakiti
Aku dengan perbuatanmu
Namun sudah kau pergilah
Jangan kau sesali
Karena ku sanggup walau ku tak mau
Berdiri sendiri tanpamu
Ku mau kau tak usah ragu
Tinggalkan aku
Huuu.. kalau memang harus begitu
Tak yakin ku kan mampu
Hapus rasa sakitku
Ku 'kan selalu perjuangkan cinta kita
Namun apa salahku
Hingga ku tak layak dapatkan kesungguhanmu
Terima kasih udah menyakiti hati gue. Gue harap lo menyesal dan cukuplah hati gue yang lo hancurin. Ciihh !! hahahaha ...
udah ah galaunya ! NOX !
UNICEF CHRISTMAS PROJECT - Give your fund to help each other
0 comments Posted by Aka Kobo at 12:18 AMAs the song says, “Give LOVE on Christmas Day”, why not we give presents to those who are not as blessed as we are?
Fan clubs from all over Korea started donating to UNICEF since Lee Min Ho became the Ambassador of its Love Net “Stop Malaria” Project. Now, Minoz from all over the world created this Christmas project. As the International Boys Over Flowers Fan Page, we would like to tell you that we collaborated with these Minoz to make this project as the greatest gift we could give our very own Lee Min Ho or famously known as our Gu Jun Pyo and of course the charities under him.
We can make Lee Min Ho smile and proud of us at the same time we are helping the world. Make a difference NOW!
“If you are blessed, be a blessing to others…”
On this Christmas Day, you’ll be the one of the happiest person because you know that with a little money you give you help a child who is in great need. The amount of money is not a problem, we don’t count it, and we treasure it since it’s your gift.
Join us now in this big project we are collaborating with.
Donation Details:
You send us your donation thru PayPal and Western Union only. We find these two options as the safest one to send money. We need your money in US dollars, but if you can’t send it in USD we’ll be the one to have it changed, but as much as possible we hope it could be in USD. We also hope you could donate at least 2-3 USD so we could give a bigger amount but still it’s all in your hands how much you want to.
For more details such as our PayPal account and to which your Western Union Money Transfer will be sent just hit us a message on our email: boffanpage@yahoo.com
Let’s give our best on this project BOF lover! Good day and thank you! Help us promote this so we could collect more.
source : boffanpage.spruz.com
I hope you're all here can help Lee Min Ho to collect fund then it will be given to unlucky children in this world. So wanna help then ? ^^
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
close my hurt heart with all of my laugh. If you're now in near me, would you
just stay quiet then let me have a lot of laugh ? omo, seeing you is just
returning my sad past time with you !
You can stay cool
there and I can act like nothing happened between us. But it's better to see
you go away from my side and you won't hurt me.
You can't feel my hurt
heart, but I want you to realize, your previous acts were such as rubbish. tell
me, did you feel that you're wrong ?
Hey man, you're so late to be my everything ! :) You're just my
previous and another better will come to me. And I want to see you regret it
Regret it then you'll cry and say, "why don't you choose
me? ".I think it's rhetoric. When I am happy with my future, you've just
fell down :)
Good Bye, My Love. Pray for me then I can get another better
than you. Love you for once now and tomorrow, you're not my everything at all
I'll let you go away from my heart, I'm
pleased :D
Annyeong haseyo chingu ya ... ^^
Ok, I won't post in English right now. I just use Indonesian to post this (haha .. anyway this is English, man !)
Halo ! Gara gara temen gue, THERESIA AVILA TIKA HARYANTI a.k.a DUGONG GENDUT, gue dan teman2 akhirnya mulai ngeblog lagi setelah kita tinggal lama blog ini. Termasuk gue. hahahaha
Today was really awesome guys ! Kita lagi ada diskusi untuk project Produksi TV. Jadi kita disuruh bikin berita gitu dan nantinya kita juga akan shooting. Omo, we will have a hard work from now on ! Di sela-sela diskusi itu, kita nggak bisa nahan diri untuk ngebanyol ( tepatnya gue yang gak tahan ! wkwkwk ). Mulai dari (masih) ngomongin tentang Mei Zuo vs T**AR ( temen sekelas gue yang mirip banget sama Mei Zuo ... exactly rambutnya ! ) dan apalah ... pokoknya semuanya jadi bahan banyolan. Nggak heran lah diskusi terbengkalai dan ada juga yang stay focus sama diskusi, tapi akhirnya terseret arus. hahahaha ....
You know what, when I sang " Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni " song by F4 Taiwan. This girl named NUR RIZKY, swaying her hand above her head. huahahahahahaha ..... I just posted her candid photo here !
Omo, I've just shocked when she did that. Hahahaha ... okok I won't use English at all in this post now. hahahahaa
Waktu Ririn lagi berdiskusi dengan para LELAKI KAMI ( Lelaki-lelaki yang ada di kelompok kita berarti itu Lelaki Kami ----> just to be OUR MAN in this group, not the real :p ), kita masih sempet2nya berfoto ria. Omo, I really love this ! hahaha
Let me post those photos :
Kelompok kita semakin berisik juga, ini semua karena kehadiran THOSE GIRLS !
left to right : DHIRA ' MEI ZUO WANNABE ' and RIRIN ' MISS SERIOUS '
And exactly by us !
Bisa dibilang kita sekarang adalah biang ribut di kelas. Semuanya jadi bahan banyolan ! Ya iyalah, secara gue sekarang sekelas sama cowok pembawa luka hati itu ! Ngapain sedih2 ? Banyolan2 lah yang membuat gue tetep happy di kelas itu ! hahaha *ok no curcol now !*
Oia, di foto itu yang baju baru itu gue, AKA LEE, istrinya Lee Min Ho dan yang gendut di sebelah gue itulah SI DUGONG GENDUT TIKA ! Huahahahaha ... kita selalu ngebanyol dan ngebanyol ... itu hobby kita buat penghilang bosen waktu kuliah *sumpah, kuliahnya bosen banget *
Ini 2 foto yang tersisa waktu kita diskusi :
For this photo, mianhae I am lazy to rotate it ! hahahahahaha
I'll see you next then, chingu ya ! Annyeong jumuseyo *masuk ke dalam selimut sama Lee Min Ho* wkwkwkwk ... nothing won't happen, don't worry :p
Friday, August 27, 2010
Do you love Boys Over Flowers ? You must know about Goo Hye Sun, Lee Min Ho, Kim Bum, Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Jon, and Kim So Eun !
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Me and My 2 Playboys ( 나와 내 2 플레이보이 )
Genre : Romance Comedy
Director : Aka
Scriptwriter : Aka
Casts :
• Han Jae Mi ( G )
• Min Gang Han ( B ) ---------- Lee Min Ho
• Kim Jae San ( B ) ----------- Lee Yong Dae
• Park Jong Ryu ( G ) --------- Yoo Eun Hye
• Yoo Jeoh Eun ( G ) ---------- Kim Yoo Bin ‘ Wonder Girls ‘
• Min Lee Na ( G ) ------------- Jang Na Ra
Synopsis :
Han Jae Mi, a girl from a poetry club. She is so ordinary, too simple, and not popular. In Seumateu School, Poetry club members are the underdog one. Now in the 3rd grade, Jae Mi is in the same class with 2 popular school athletes, Min Gang Han and Kim Jae San. Gang Han is from football club and Jae San is from badminton club. They are famous because of their playboy-ism. Gang Han and Jae San is always competing to get more girls. In one condition, Jae Min is in the same group with Gang Han and Jae San for Hangug o subject. They have to make a big project and the result is decided for their graduation too. Jae Mi, Gang Han, and Jae San make a book that contains the greatest moment from their usual activities. Firstly, Gang Han and Jae San feel that they can’t work each other and they are always in the different perception. But they have a same perception that Jae Mi is not so hot and not interesting ! Although they think like that, Jae Mi tries to work with them and make them one, so finally they can work together.
Because they always discuss each other and meet so many times, Gang Han feels in love to Jae Mi, in fact he has dated with Yoo Jeoh Eun, the popular girl in Seumateu school and she’s a famous vocalist ! Gang Han is interested with Jae Mi’s personality and Jae Mi shares a lot of things that Gang Han never knows. In the other side, in fact Jae San feels the same too to Jae Mi. Moreover, Jae San dumped his girlfriend, Park Jong Ryu. So now, Gang Han and Jae San compete again to get Jae Mi. Who’s gonna win on this battle ?!
It's not the newest film by Lee Min Ho. Hahahaha ... this is my new scenario and I want this film to be starred by Lee Min Ho and Lee Yong Dae. You must be surprised why I choose Lee Yong Dae in this film. As you know, Lee Yong Dae is a great badminton athlete from South Korea. He is handsome, cute, and I think talented. I think he's suitable to cast Kim Jae San, because Kim Jae San is a badminton athlete too in this film. Lee Min Ho is the biggest fan of football and he can play. So I decide to make him as a football player ( in his school ). I involve Kim Yoo Bin ' Wonder Girls ' and Yoo Eun Hye to be Gang Han and Jae San's girlfriends. And taraaaaa ....... I hope Jang Na Ra can appear on my film too. She becomes Min Lee Na, Gang Han's noona who always support for her dongsaeng ( little brother ). Oh yeah, I find a difficulty to decide for Jae Mi's cast. Can you give me an opinion ? This story is still on progress. I hope if Korea agencies read this post, they can make my dream come true.
Gomabseumnida !

LEE MIN HO ( 이민호 ) LEE YONG DAE ( 이용대 )

KIM YOO BIN ( 김유빈 ) YOO EUN HYE ( 유 은혜 )
JANG NA RA ( 장나라 )
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
So guys, have you watched this film ? I recommended you to watch this. Oh it's gorgeous ! Lee Min Ho and Son Ye Jin were starring it. I'm totally sure that you know Lee Min Ho. Yeah, Goo Joon Pyo in Boys Before Flower is now reborn become Jeong Jeon Ho. Jeong Jin Ho is a normal guy and working on his property company. He has a big project to design an art centre. He wants to make his design like a traditional Korean house and he visits one famous Korean house. Overthere, he meets Park Kae Rin. Park Kae Rin is an ordinary girl, not beautiful, and so ....... ordinary, of course.>.<
They have met each other when they were in the bus and fighting there. But for his design, he wants to live in Kae Rin's house and he pretends to be a gay !
Jin Ho is always beside Kae Rin. Moreover, Kae Rin was broken hearted with her boyfriend, Han Chang Ryul ( Kim Ji Suk ), because Chang Ryul choose to wed with Kae Rin's best friend ( and roommate actually ), Kim In Hee.
Their life is so interested ! Starting from see what they musn't see ( you know what I mean ? I hope you watch the film may you understand .. hihihi ) until sleep together ( it's incidentally ! ). But Kae Rin is never suspicious to Jin Ho that he's a straight guy, not a GAY !
In the middle of the story, Jin Ho and Kae Rin are in love. They love each other but they are afraid to say. Moreover, Chang Ryul, Kae Rin's ex, wants to back to have a relationship with Kae Rin. But finally Kae Rin choose Jin Ho and Jin Ho admits that he's not a gay.
For more story and the ending, you have to watch it by yourself. You can get any DVD of it or download it from youtube.com.
I think, this is a usual love story, but it is packaged with a great way. Here, Min Ho can let Goo Joon Pyo's stereotype out from himself. Jin Ho is not the same with Joon Pyo and I think Min Ho did it !
Son Ye Jin was doing well too. I've never heard Son Ye Jin before this film. But her acting was interesting me. She is so natural and I love it. I think if Goo Hye Sun become Kae Rin, the audiences are still imagining Boys Before Flowers between Jan Di and Joon Pyo. And Min Ho and Ye Jin make something fresh.
Oh, I'll wait for another Min Ho's film ! He's doing a great ! One day, I'll make a film for him and I'm the actreess !! hahahaha ... hopefully !
Enjoy my review and gimme any suggestion or responses. Oh yeah, I'll give you the details of Personal Taste. I'll see ya ! ^^
Personal Taste
개인의 취향 (Kaeinui Chwihyang)
Chinese Title : 个人取向
Also known as: Personal Preference
Genre: Romance, comedy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: MBC
Air time: Wednesdays & Thursdays 21:55
Broadcasting dates :
Mar 31, 2010 ~ May 20, 2010
Lee Min-ho as Jeon Jin Ho
Son Ye-jin as Park Kae In
Kim Ji Suk as Han Chang Ryul
Wang Ji Hye as Kim In Hee
Ryu Seung Ryong as Choi Kwan Jang
Im Seul Ong as Kim Tae Hoon
Choi Eun Seo as Hye Mi
Jo Eun Ji
Jung Sung Hwa
Ahn Suk Hwan
Bong Tae Kyu
Jang Won Young
Production Credits
Director: Son Hyung Suk (손형석)
Original writing: Noval “Personal Preference” by Lee Sae In (이새인)
Screenwriter: Park Hye Kyung (박혜경)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
I saw you in the dark
And I'm not too sure that's you
I try to be in front of you
But, I can't walk to
I want to hug you
It's nonsense
Everything is invisible
Where are you going ?
Hey, I'm here !
Come in !
Don't leave me ! I don't want to be alone
Stop !
Please ....
Talk to me
Shout to me
Or anything ....
Is that you ?
I can hear your breath now
I can feel your heart beat
But you're still invisible
May I see you ?
No ? why ? any problem with that ?
* " Love is the curious stuff, guess who I am when someday I'm back to you ....
No .... No ....
Don't Goooooo !!!!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thanks for giving me a lot of gifts. You make my life better.
Thanks for loving me. You make my life full of love.
Thanks for being my friends to share. You make my life peaceful.
Thanks for making any miracle in my life. You make my life surprisingly happy.
Thanks for any disaster which you give to me. Although there are
disasters, but it makes my life meaningful and makes me realize how
important this life is.
Thanks for the chance which you give to me. You make my life colorful.
Thanks for being my lifetime partner, GOD ... :)
Thursday, February 18, 2010