Monday, January 31, 2011
Hey, I am a Korean freak. Not only the music, drama, or the culture, I love Korean foods too. In Indonesia, many Indonesians are interesting about Korean foods. Korean restaurants or just small Korean food stall, they are available. Some of Korean ramyeon brands are available too in the supermarket or hypermarket. Let's check, what are Korean foods which become Indonesian favourites ?
1. Shin Ramyeon - Nongshim
Nongshim is popular in Indonesian. Many hypermarkets sell it. Usually there are just several flavours. I found them out in the hypermarket.
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Nongshim spicy mushroom |
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Nongshim Spicy Mushroom Bowl |
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Nongshim Jjajangmyeon |
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Nongshim Spicy Seafood Flavour |
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Nongshim Spicy Seafood Neoguri Udon |
2. Kimbab
Kimbap or kimbap is a popular Korean dish made from steamed white rice (bab) and various other ingredients, rolled in gim (sheets of dried laver seaweed) and served in bite-size slices. Kimbab is often eaten during picnics or outdoor events, or as a light lunch, served with danmuji or kimchi. It is similar to the better-known Japanese makizushi.
The basic components of kimbap are rice, meat or other protein-rich ingredients, and a large variety of vegetables, pickled, roasted, or fresh. Traditionally, the rice is lightly seasoned with salt and sesame oil/perilla oil. Popular protein ingredients are fish cakes, imitation crab stick, egg, spam-like meat, or seasoned beef rib-eye. Vegetables usually include cucumbers, spinach, carrots, and danmuji (pickled radish). After the gimbap has been rolled and sliced, it is typically served with danmuji.
In Indonesia, we know Kimbab twaegim too. Twaegim means fried. So Kimbab twaegim is a regular kimbab which is fried by an egg. It's one of my favourite. When I go to the Korean restaurant at my campus, I always order Kimbab twaegim.
3. Bulgogi
If Indonesians go to Korean restaurant, they always order for this food. Bulgogi is a Korean dish that usually consists of marinated barbecued beef, although chicken or pork may also be used. But in Indonesia, it's seldom to serve bulgogi using pork. Bulgogi is made from thin slices of sirloin or other prime cuts of beef. Before cooking the meat is marinated, marinated to enhance its flavour and tenderness, with a mixture of soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil, garlic and other ingredients such as scallions, or mushrooms, especially white button mushrooms or shiitake. Sometimes, cellophane noodles are added to the dish, which varies by region and specific recipe.
Bulgogi is traditionally grilled, but pan-cooking is common as well. Whole cloves of garlic, sliced onions, and chopped green peppers are often grilled or fried with the meat.This dish is sometimes served with a side of lettuce or other leafy vegetable, which is used to wrap a slice of cooked meat, often along with a dab of ssamjang, or other side dishes, and then eaten as a whole.
Bulgogi is served in barbecue restaurants in South Korea and there are bulgogi flavoured fast-food hamburgers sold at many Korean fast-food restaurants. The hamburger patty is marinated in bulgogi sauce and served with lettuce, tomato, onion, and sometimes cheese. It is similar to a teriyaki burger in flavour.
So, bulgogi is almost same like teriyaki. and Indonesians love it ^^
4. Bibimbab
Have you ever watched a Korean drama " Full House " ? If yes, you must know this food. Lee Young Jae ( Rain ) and Han Ji Eun ( Song Hye Gyo ) ate it.
Bibimbap is a popular Korean dish. The word literally means "mixed meal." Bibimbap is served as a bowl of warm white rice topped with namul (sautéed and seasoned vegetables) and gochujang (chili pepper paste). A raw or fried egg and sliced meat (usually beef) are common additions. The ingredients are stirred together thoroughly just before eating. It can be served either cold or hot.
Vegetables commonly used in bibimbap include julienned cucumber, zucchini, mu (daikon), mushrooms, doraji (bellflower root), and gim, as well as spinach, soybean sprouts, and gosari (bracken fern stems). Dubu (tofu), either plain or sautéed, or a leaf of lettuce may be added, or chicken or seafood may be substituted for beef. For visual appeal, the vegetables are often placed so that adjacent colors complement each other.
A variation of this dish, dolsot bibimbap (돌솥 비빔밥, "dolsot" meaning "stone pot"), is served in a very hot stone bowl in which a raw egg is cooked against the sides of the bowl. The bowl is so hot that anything that touches it sizzles for minutes. Before the rice is placed in the bowl, the bottom of the bowl is coated with sesame oil, making the layer of the rice touching the bowl golden brown and crispy.
5. Kimchi Bokkeumbab ( Kimchi Fried Rice )

Along with kimchi and rice, kimchi bokkeumbap can contain many kinds of ingredients. Pork is preferred, however, beef, chicken, bacon, ham, or spam can be used. Instead of meat, canned tuna, shrimp, or mushrooms can be used as a replacement, in the case the ingredient's name may be prefixed to the dish's name such as "beoseot kimchi bokkeumbap" (hangul: 버섯김치볶음밥, literally "mushroom kimchi bokkeumbap"). Meat ingredients are chopped into the dish together with vegetables such as onion, carrot or zucchini. However, ingredients depend on personal preference and occasion. A small amount of minced garlic and sliced green pepper can be used as seasoning. These ingredients are fried in a pan with a little vegetable or sesame oil.
After the cooked dish is put on a plate or in a bowl, a fried egg is sometimes served on top. Thinly shredded gim, chopped scallions or sesame are spread over it to enhance the flavor and to garnish.
But don't worry, not all of Korean restaurant in Indonesia use pork for their kimchi bokkeumbab. So you must ask for the ingredient to the waiter.
6. Kimchi
Of course you have heard about Kimchi. Kimchi is the popular Korean food in the world. Some of Indonesian loves it too. I think the taste is like 'Asinan Bogor' ( fruit, vegetable, and peanut are mixed with a sweet sour soup. It's served cold. - a traditional food from Bogor, West Java, Indonesia ). The difference is Asinan Bogor doesn't fermentated like Kimchi.
Kimchi (김치), also spelled gimchi, kimchee, or kim chee, is a traditional fermented Korean dish, made of vegetables with varied seasonings. I went to Lotte Mart in Jakarta, Indonesia. They serve 2 various of kimchi. Altari Kimchi ( kimchi which is made by white radish ) and Baekchu Kimchi ( kimchi which is made by cabbage ). For your information, Kimchi is in the Top 5 Healthiest Food in The World. So I suggest you to consume Kimchi.
7. Jeon ( Buchimgae )
Buchimgae is like a pancake, but salty. There is squid, meat, vegetables, chilli, or even kimchi. Okay let us say that buchimgae is a snack, but it can fulfill your stomach and you'll full of it. Hahaha. Buchimgae is also called as Korean Pizza. It's same with okonomiyaki too. No sauce for eat it. You can ask for salt soysauce to accompany you to eat buchimgae.
Hmmm ... I will post some Korean foods which I recommend for you again. Hope you get a new information about Korean foods and you can search it on your country. Happy Eating ! ^^
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Hmmm ... hari Minggu, 23 Januari 2011 lalu emang nyenengin banget. Kenapa ? Ada BBFI 2nd Gathering. Yup, fans2 Boys Before Flowers dari Indonesia kumpul disini. Gue sebagai perwakilan International Boys Over Flowers Fan Page dateng bareng 3 co-admin lainnya. Acara harusnya dimulai jam 1 siang, tapi dari jam setengah 11 siang, orang2 udah pada ngumpul. Gileee .., blm apa2 aja udah crowded. Yang baru ngumpul sih emang fans2 BBF dari Bandung yang ekslusif diberangkatin sama BBFI. Mereka juga berangkat bareng NYE Boys, grup dance asal Bandung yang selalu pake lagu2 Korea kalo ngedance. Mereka juga finalis IMB 2010 loh.
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me and NYE Boys |
Acara dimulai dengan penampilan UI dancer dari jurusan Sastra dan Kebudayaan Korea. Mereka bawain tari kipas korea. Gue udah 2 kali liat tarian ini. Pertama kali liat di Korean Culture Day yang diadain sama jurusan sastra korea UI. Tarian diiringi sama lagu soundtrack film Jewel in The Palace.
Abis itu MC membuka acara. MC nya gokil. Bahkan yang jadi MC itu ahjumma ! hahaha cuma gayanya bo gila keren banget itu ahjumma ! hahaha ... Terus ditampilin penyanyi dari SuperGirls. Nyanyinya apa gue lupa. Bagus siihhh ...
Naahhh abis itu yang ditunggu2 adalah talkshow dengan 2 mahasiswa Korea yang sekarang kuliah di IPB. Huaaaaa .... bikin jejeritan satu ruangan ! hahahaha ... emang sih oppa2 ini cute-cute gituuu ... :*
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Yang kiri namanya Kim Tae Yoo oppa dan yang kanan namanya Seo Jin Won oppa |
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Iseng foto mereka dari jauh, eh Jin Won oppa nengok ! hahahaha nyadar kamera dia !! ^^ |
Abis talkshow, akhirnya ada games !! yahuuu ,,, gue sama Inggreat, temen gue, dengan liarnya langsung maju kedepan begitu diminta untuk games. Gamesnya tebak lagu ! aiisshh .. jadi ada 3 kelompok dengan 3 orang per kelompoknya. trus disuruh milih satu amplop. Gue jd orang paling belakang yang disuruh nebak lagunya. Si Inggreat jadi orang pertama dan ada temen yang baru gue kenal, namanya Dian, jadi orang kedua. Begitu si Dian kasih tau gue clue lagunya, ada lirik I'm waiting for you ... I'm waiting for you ... Ekspektasi gue langsung mikir ke lagunya SS501 - Because I'm Stupid. Udah seneng2 tau judulnya ,,,, daaannn ternyataaa SALAH !! GUBRAAKK !! huahahahaaha ... sial ! untungnya nggak ada yang bener juga sih di kelompok lain. akhirnya cuma dapet hadiah hiburan ! hahahahaha. Lumayan loh dapet majalah Asian Stars, coklat dan minuman Korea ! hahahaha
abis games 1, ada acara final BBFI Dare 2 Dance Competition. 2 finalis yang dipilih maju untuk present dance mereka. Pertama group dance cewek. Kayaknya masih SMP-SMA gitu. sebenernya gerakannya lucu dan lagunya juga asik ( SNSD - Gee ), cuma gerakannya kurang power ! Yang kedua, grup dance cowok, namanya NEST. Nah ini nih keren banget !! Gerakannya asik, ekspresi mereka ngedance juga asik sumpah !
Selesai ngedance, trus nge-games lagi !! aseeekkk !!! Merasa nggak puas dengan yang tadi, gue dan Inggreat lagi2 dengan liarnya maju ke depan, begitu MC minta 20 orang untuk maju. Wah wah, emang eksis banget gue kemarin ! hahahaa
Ternyata itu games kayak acara Ranking 1 di Trans TV. Dikasih papan satu2 dan spidol. Ntar disuruh jawab pertanyaan mengenai Boys Before Flowers dan tentang Korea. Pertanyaan pertama, apa yang ditempelin Jan Di ke Joon Pyo waktu Jan Di numpahin es krim ? Dari no 1 udah banyak yang berguguran ! buahahaha .... lanjut ke pertanyaan2 selanjutnya. Karena gue cinta mati sama BBF, hampir semua adegan gue hafal. Hahahaha ... tapi ada yang nggak bisa gue jawab, apa nama rumah tradisional Korea ? semua peserta juga gak tau. eh mereka rame2 ngerubungin tae yoo oppa sama jin won oppa ! ahahahhaa ... dan akhirnya pertanyaannya dibatalin.
Udah di pertanyaan 13, apa landmark yang terkenal di Korea yang dipakai untuk adegan Joon Pyo nungguin Jan Di ? Jawabannya Namsan Tower. dan dari 8 orang yang tersisa, cuma sisa 3 termasuk gue ! di pertanyaan selanjutnya, Inggreat akhirnya kalah. Gue lupa apa pertanyaannya. ahahah .. akhirnya sisa 2. gue dan satu lg gue gak tau. tapi dia anggota group dance cewek yang tadi perform. Dan pertanyaan pamungkasnya gampang bener ! Apa nama huruf Korea ? Langsung gue tulis boo !!! dan ternyata lawan gue nggak tau dan nggak nulis apa2 !!!! Hiaaaaa .... gue menang sodara sodaraaa !!!! WIN !!!
Seneeennggg bener ! Apalagi hadiahnya buanyaaakkkk !!! Keren ! Gomawo ya BBFI ! :D
Dan gue difoto2 sama orang, berasa gue menang Oscar !
Abis games, ada pelelangan standing banner para anggota F4 dan Goo Hye Sun. Sumpah, kayaknya orang pada kaya-kaya ! hahaha ... Gue mau ikut lelang stand banner Lee Min Ho,tapi nggak jadi gara2 angka lelang udah nyampe 300 ribu ! nggak sanggup gue ! sialaaaannnn !!! ahahahahaha
oh ya, sebelum lelang tadi ada acara perayaan ulang tahun BBF. Yang ulang tahun di bulan Januari disuruh maju ke depan untuk nerima cupcake yang ada gambar F4 dan Goo Hye Sun-nya. Anyway itu bukan cupcake, tapi bolu kukus ! Biar keren disebut cupcake ! hahahaa ada2 aja.
Abis itu ada lelang ticket Super Show 3 Singapore. Ini konsernya Super Junior di Singapore. Dibuka dengan harga 1 juta. nggak ada yang bergeming ! hahahahaha dasaarr !!
setelah pembagian doorprize ( dan gue gak dapet ), acara selesai. Begitu acara selesai, Tae Yoo oppa dan Jin Won oppa jadi sasaran untuk foto. Jadi artis sehari mereka ! hadeehhh NYE boys juga dimintain foto ! aiissshhh artis ! hahahaha
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Me with Jin Won oppa |
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BFP Gajok ! left to right : Monika onnie, Ossy onnie, Me, and Nikky onnie |
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Kim Bum giant poster and Me !! |
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Me and Tae Yoo oppa |
Friday, January 21, 2011
Hahahaha .... it's funny to have another name. It started from my Korean friend who live in Philippine, Mei onnie. She offered me to know about my Korean name. Voila, my Korean name is Park Ra Ra ( 박 라 라 ). It means idealistic, keen intellect and imagination, gentle, romantic and giving nature,determined, focus,. love to have peace. Is that mean so " me " ? hahaha. Mollayo ! But I think the name is describing me. hahaha ..
I asked about my 2 bestfriends' Korean name. Gledis first ! Gledis get 이태 지 ( Lee Tae Ji ) for her name. Gledis' korean name means Energetic and courageous , independent, strong willed and fiercely competitive. Hmmm are you proud, mamapir ? Of course you are ! hahaha
Next, Nazila ! Nazila get 남 리 린 ( Nam Ri Rin ) for her Korean name. Nam Ri Rin means intelligent and honest, alert mind and creative ideas assure you of success.
It seems everybody get a great meaning of their name. Hope you're happy with your Korean name, guys ! hahahaha
Monday, January 10, 2011
tetep twitter doonnkk .. formspring jg bisa is. hahaha
Sunday, January 9, 2011
I just always play Word Mole in my blackberry :)
love you ? I just love Mas SG ! hahahaha no no you're my bestfriend who I love. hahaha
Mas SG ! hahahaha
go around the world !! :D
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wow, this is my first post on my blog since we are in the new year, 2011. Hai ! Ah, mau cerita2 dan share foto nih gue. Acara New Year Eve's Party kemaren asik banget. Tadinya kita mau nginep di rumah Dhira. Kita mau barbeque-an ( gue dan nazila sebenarnya mau nonton Baek Seung Jo nonstop ). Tapi nggak jadi, karena rumah dhira (yg di BSD) belom dibersihin. Akhirnya kita diboyong sama mammoth itu ke hotel. Awalnya merasa segan dan nggak enak, takut ngerepotin keluarganya Dhira. Tapi karena mereka memaksa, akhirnya gue dan yang lain bersedia. hahahaha
Kita nginep di Hotel Kawanua, Jakarta Utara. Dapet Suite Room pulak ! Ya Allah, baik bener mama-nya dhira ngasih kamar semewah Suite Room ke para binatang2 langka ini. hahahaha ....
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Binatang langka sedang berkumpul, kecuali gue :p |
Abis menyambut tahun baru, gue sama nazila di kamar, nyanyi2, download2 lagu, trus kirim voice note ke Gledis, yang sayang sekali jg gak ikut. Eh sekitar jam setengah 2 malam, pada udah ngantuk. Akhirnya gue dan Nazila tidur duluan. Dhira jemput si tika ke lobby hotel karena tika nggak bisa naik ke lantai kamar kita tanpa kartu kamar yang dipegang dhira. Tinggalah Rama di ruang tamu. Dia heran, ini orang berdua ( gue dan Nazila ) udah sepi aja. dia kira nonton film, begitu dicek, udah pada molor kemenong-menong. Gue denger sih si tika dateng. dengan suara cemprengnya dia bilang, ' loh koq udah pada tidur ? main lagi yoookkk ' . tapi sama dhira dimarahin, ' husshh jangan dibangunin ! '. aseeekkkk dugong kena maraaaahhhhh *loncat-loncat kegirangan'
Paginya, si dugong udah bangun duluan, mandi duluan, trus jam 7 dia bangun2in gue sambil nubruk2in gue. padahal badannya besar kayak karung semen ! udah pada bangun semua, kita semua cerita2 tentang gaya tidur nazila yang ekstrem. Masa' iya gue gak disisain selimut. trus bantalnya si nazila dilempar sendiri sama dia, space tidur dia paling luas. gue aja cuma segaris. harusnya gue tendang aja tuh dia kebawah. biar tidur di bawah dia, bisa sambil guling2 malah. =))
Hoah, akhirnya pulang juga kita ! An adorable night with oenjoers :) semoga kapan2 kita bisa kumpul semua, nyeritain aib gaya tidur yg ekstrem, ngilerin temen yang tidur disebelahnya, huahahahahaha asik itu !
Nah sekarang gue share foto2nya. Foto2nya jangan disebarluaskan dan jangan dipergunakan untuk hal2 negatif ya, maklum kalo kita terlanjur terkenal, ya nggak enak juga .... *jitak !*