Friday, October 30, 2009

Lokasi shooting yang tadinya mau diadakan di Bandung sekarang berubah haluan ke Bogor karena ternyata dana tidak mencukupi. Hari Minggu, 1 November BMB will go to Bogor for observation. Don't be late BMB Guys. We have a long trip !

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

BMB Guys, gue dapet usulan dari kakak sepupu gue,lokasi shootingnya di bintaro aja.ada satu lahan kayak padang rumput gitu yang sering dipake untuk shooting.viewnya kayak di bandung jg.nanti gw mw visit dulu trus gue upload foto2nya disini. Kan kalo ada yg deket ngapain jauh2 ? Kan bisa menghemat biaya dan nggak terlalu menguras tenaga.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

BMB Walk To Shoot

Hai !! BMB ( Aka,Odha,Karim,Melva,Suri,Giska,n Dwi ) lagi siap2 mau shooting nih. Survey lokasi shooting bakal diadain hari Minggu, 1 November 2009. Berangkatnya hari Sabtu,31 Oktober 2009 naik kereta ekonomi (actually I hate this !). Lokasi yang mau kita survey adalah di Villa Istana Bunga,Parongpong,Bandung.

My Recom

Gw numpang penuh2in blog lw ya ka! hhe ;p
Ni, nak2 yg jadi rekomendasi gw. Tapi jadikan mereka pilihan trakir, soalnya mereka tu orang yg sibuk, jadi gw rasa agak susah minta mereka jd talent.

Andria Sakti Kusuma Ayu                                    
Univ. Mercu Buana, Akun '08

Ibnoe Indrasyahputra
Univ. Esa Unggul, IT '08

Temen gw yg namanya Ayu punya adek cewek umurnya kira-kira 5 ato 6 taonan. Gw pernah liat fotonya sih sekali, mirip ma kakaknya, tapi dia gak bisa pisah dr ibunya.

Untuk Pungli (Pungutan Liar) gw mulai dari minggu pas kita UTS ya.. biar duit yang kekumpul banyak! Kalo mau mulai dari minggu sebelum UTS lebih bagus lagi.

By: Dwi

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Korean Version :

Jakku iksukhan hyanggi naneyo geudael seuchyeotdeon barami
Jigeum nae gyeoteul jinaganabwayo
Naui gaseumsoge geudaemaneul bichuneun haessaringabwayo
Apeun sangcheokkaji gamssajuneungeollyo

Love U geudael tteoollimyeo ije dasi kkok nuneul gamjyo
Saranghae geudae du nun chaeul su itdamyeon
Saranghae geudae naege useum boyeojundamyeon
Jeogi byeolbitmajeodo modu gajyeoda jultende
Saranghae ireon nae mam jeonhal su itdamyeon
Saranghae geudae geu mam gareuchyeo jundamyeon
Na modu darmagalkkeyo Love U Love U Love U yeongwonhi~

Geudae ttaraseo geotgo isseoyo jeogi dalbit dwie sumeo
Geuri nunchi eobseumyeon eotteokhaeyo
Birado naerige gureumege tto hanbeon butakhalkkayo
Jeojeun geudae maeum ana jul su itge

Love U geudael tteoollimyeo ije dasi kkok nuneul gamjyo
Saranghae geudae du nun chaeul su itdamyeon
Saranghae geudae naege useum boyeojundamyeon
Jeogi byeolbitmajeodo modu gajyeoda jultende
Saranghae ireon nae mam jeonhal su itdamyeon
Saranghae geudae geu mam gareuchyeo jundamyeon
Na modu darmagalkkeyo Love U Love U Love U yeongwonhi

English Version :
I smell a familiar fragrance in the air
The breeze that blew around you now blows across to me, oooh
In my heart, maybe it was the light you made shine upon me
That light shields me from hurtful sorrows

Love you.... thinking of you now, I close my eyes again

I love you. If I could fill your two eyes
I love you. If I could show you my smiles
I could give you all the bright stars in the sky oooh
I love you. If I could show you my love
I love you. If you could teach me you heart
Id follow whatever you do

Love you, Love you, Love you

Im walking right behind you beneath the moonlight
Look at me a little more closely
Should I ask the clouds to let the rain fall for you once again
So I could hold on to your wet heart

Love you.... thinking of you now, I close my eyes again

I love you. If I could fill your two eyes
I love you. If I could show you my smiles
I could give you all the bright stars in the sky oooh
I love you. If I could show you my love
I love you. If you could teach me you heart
Id follow whatever you do

Love you, Love you, Love you
Only you

HAI !!

Aka dan teman2 lagi dalam proses untuk membuat proyek tugas ujian akhir semester 3 ini. Ini dia info proyek kita.

Format         : Video Clip
Genre          : Pop Korea
Title             : Love You ( OST. Boys Before Flowers )
Artist           : Howl
Duration      : 03:40

Ini dia kru yang akan bertugas nantinya :

                                                                 Director & Talent Scout              


                                                                                                              Asst. Director & Script Writer

             Camera Person

Editor & Finance

Art Director 1, Wardrobe, Make Up Person

                                                                                                Art Director 2

Who is gonna being a talents ?

     Broadcast UI 2008

(still nominee)                 


Sinopsis cerita :

Di scene awal, ada 2 anak kecil yang sedang bermain-main bersama di sebuah padang rumput. Si anak cowok  menggoda si cewek  dan lalu mereka berlari-larian. Tiba2, si cewek jatuh dan nangis. Trus si cowok menghibur anak cewek itu dengan mengajarinya niup bunga dandelion, yang kalau ditiup daun2nya bertebaran di udara ( I love this part ! :-) ). Selain itu, si anak cewek dan cowok ini punya kebiasaan nulis apapun yang terjadi pada dirinya di sebuah buku mirip diary yang sebenarnya punya si anak cewek. Nulisnya bergantian. Misalnya hari ini, si cewek, besoknya si cowok. begitu terus. Sampai suatu saat, si anak cewek pindah rumah dan si anak cowok enggak tau. Waktu dia mau ngajak main dan ngembaliin buku diary itu, dia hanya bisa kaget dan sedih karena ternyata si anak cewek udah pergi.

Di scene kedua, scene ini menceritakan kejadian setelah 13 tahun berlalu. Si anak cowok ( Odha )berubah menjadi cowok dewasa, mapan, ganteng, tinggi, dll. Suatu saat, dia pulang kerja. Merasa jenuh dengan pekerjaannya, dia mengunjungi tempat dia dulu bermain bareng temen masa kecilnya. Dia bersandar di sebuah pohon, lalu membuka tas kerjanya dan mengambil buku diary yang selalu dia bawa kemanapun dia pergi. Kebetulan di dekat dia duduk, ada bunga dandelion yang biasa dia mainkan bareng si anak cewek. Sambil membaca buku diary itu, sesekali si cowok meniup dandelion. Tiba2 dari kejauhan, si cowok melihat cewek  yang lagi berjalan2 disitu juga, tapi si cewek ( Fila )gak ngeliat si cowok itu. Si cowok merhatiin cewek itu terus. Sepertinya dia kenal cewek itu. Si anak cewek membungkuk ngambil bunga dandelion yang ada di dekat kakinya dan meniupnya. Barulah si cowok tau kalau si cewek inilah teman masa kecilnya yang pergi meninggalkannya selama 13 tahun.

Waku si cowok mau nyamperin si cewek, ternyata si cewek dihampiri seorang lelaki ( Pepi ), yang ternyata tunangan si cewek itu. Merasa putus asa dan frustasi, si cowok pergi cepat2, tapi malang dia ketabrak mobil yang mau melintas. Kejadiannya sekitar 100m dari tempat si cewek. Si cewek teralih perhatiannya ke kecelakaan tadi. Dia berlari ke arah kejadian itu dan melihat seorang cowok yang terkapar berdarah. Di tangan cowok itu memegang buku diary dan bunga dandelion yang sudah habis ditiupnya. Dan disitu si cewek baru tau kalo si cowok adalah teman masa kecilnya. Si cewek nangis karena ternyata si cowok udah tewas. Lalu diambilnya buku diary itu dan saat membaca halaman buku secara acak, ditemukanlah sebuah tulisan pengakuan kalo sejak kecil si cowok udah mencintai si cewek. Di akhir paragraf ada tulisan " Love You ". Tapi perasaan si cowok nggak bisa tersampaikan secara langsung, hanya dari sebuah buku ....

Secara garis besar. begitu ceritanya. Sengaja dibikin tragis, biar sedikit ada surprise dan gak monoton. Kalau ada yang mau menambahkan ide cerita silahkan aja. Talent juga bisa ikut nyumbang ide. Lo juga bisa denger lagu Love You yang bakal kita jadiin proyek. Biar lebih meresapi kali. hehehehehhe... terutama buat talent-nya, biar lebih tau gimana mengekspresikan lagu ini. Don't worry, ada teks bahasa Inggrisnya yang gue kasih disini ntar !

Info selanjutnya bakal diupdate segera !!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Setiap orang pasti punya persepsi tersendiri untuk mengembangkan kreatifitasnya. Memang ada yang pro dan kontra. Tapi itu wajar,karena gak semua orang suka apa yang kita buat dan mungkin kontra karena takut gak bisa membuat yang lebih baik dari karya kita. Karya yang kita buat,apapun itu,pasti disertai dengan kerja keras yang nggak main main. Tapi kalo kerja keras kita nggak dihargai orang atau bahkan diremehkan, sakit juga kan rasanya?? Gue punya temen yang selalu ingin be number one. Kata temen2 gue yang lain, dia sangat haus pujian dan menganggap apa yang dia buat pasti lebih bagus dari yang lain. Pertamanya gue gak begitu peduli dengan hal itu. Tapi enggak untuk kemarin. Jadi kelompok desain produksi TV gue memutuskan untuk bikin video klip lagu Korea yang jadi soundtracknya BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS. Hal itu dipertimbangkan karena kami satu kelompok suka dengan apapun yang berbau Korea. Saat temen satu kelompok gue maju untuk presentasi konsep kita, anak ini bilang ke gue, " Bisa nggak sih nggak KOREA ??" Kata2 begitu aja udah menunjukkan kalo dia meremehkan. Trus gue jawab," NGGAK BISA ! ". Nggak bisa-nya ini penuh arti. Siapa sih dia ngeganggu konsep orang?? dosennya aja nggak protes ! Bersainglah secara fair. Kalau anak itu bilang begitu,berarti dia nggak punya jiwa kompetitif. We have to go with our own way !! Go Go !! Ayo,jangan tiru yang si X ini lakukan ya? Lebih baik buktikan kalau karya kita bisa lebih baik !!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Emang Jakarta is never die ! Macetnya,polusinya,keegoisan para penduduknya (klo di jalan raya),serba cepatnya,hecticnya,panasnya, bahkan COPETNYA ...., semua bercampur jadi satu dI Ibukota Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia ini. Dari semua yang gue sebutin hanya satu yang baru gue rasain dua kali (semoga tidak untuk lain kalinya !), COPETNYA !!! Kejadian pertama, waktu naik kereta dari Cawang ke Depok waktu gue ngampus.Tas gue disilet, but unfortunately si copet blekok itu gak dapet apa2 cos tangannya udah gue pukul duluan dan gue melotot ke dia. Padahal tas gue itu merknya Prada ! Kancrut ! Yang kedua, di perpustakaan kampus. Kemaren gue kehilangan duit bulanan gue senilai 500.000 rupiah ! Dompet gue ada di dasar tas dan tas gue titipin di tempat penitipan tas. Waktu gue mau bayar makanan ternyata gak ada duit di dompet gue sepeser pun ! Gue panik dan gue berasumsi uang gue jatuh di rumah. Ternyata kata nyokap gue,gak ada uang jatoh. Lemeslah gue ! :"-( Setelah diteliti,ternyata pembatas antara duit besar n kecil di dompet gue itu robek.mungkin si copet ngambilnya buru2. Dari kasus itu, gue pikir emang gue ceroboh dan khilaf jg,coz selama ini gue selalu bawa dompet dan hp gue ke dalam perpustakaan & yang gue titipin cuma tas berisi buku. Selain itu, gue juga jarang berdoa abis solat.mungkin teguran kali yaa?? Semoga si maling sakit perut nggak berhenti2 trus kalo yg ngambil mahasiswa jg, gw berharap dia nggak akan sukses dgn duit hasil malingnya itu dan jadi mahasiswa abadi dan dilaknat Allah sampai dia mati ! Kalo malingnya karyawan perpus, semoga semua rizkinya jadi gak berkah dan halal walau itu hasil kerja keras dia dan juga dilaknat Allah ! Amin

Monday, October 12, 2009

What do you think about this logo for the first time ?? Exactly everybody has known that this is the popular logo for this year. Yeah, maybe your child or your small niece or sister can answer that " THIS IS FACEBOOK, MOM !! " or " INI MUKA BUKU !! " ( If they translate it in Indonesian ). Facebook was created by Mark Zuckenburg, ex-Harvard University student. It was published on February 2004 and facebook can be only accessed by Harvard students. On March 2004, it was spreaded out to Yale, Stanford, Columbia. Then in the universities which consist of Ivy League and the other universities around Canada and America. In 2006, Facebook can be accessed by a whol people in this world. In Indonesia, Facebook was boomed in 2007-2008.

I have a facebook account because of my english teacher, Mr. Paraic Loftus. When I was 17 years old (2007), I was still interested with Friendster, the other popular social network ( in its era ). Mr. Paraic suggested me to make Facebook account. I never hear about FACEBOOK before. He said, that it was popular in America and Europe. So, I try to make it. In 2007, create a facebook account is not easy like now. We have to mention our original full name. You can't make a name like what you want. I just have 3 friends until the beginning of 2008. Why ? My friends don't know and don't have facebook account. Even they were just interested in Friendster. After I went to university (2008), my friends was added to be 200+ peoples. Now, I have 695 friends on Facebook. It was still amount than my sister friend's is about 1000+. I am being selevtive when I accept friend request for someone.

Facebook has so many positive sides, but it has the negatives ones. Facebook can make us meet the old friends, realatives, etc. But sometimes, we become " authism " and don't care about the real world. So I think you must make your limit time to play Facebook. You won't do anything while you are facebooking. And it will just waste your time. So keep in touch, but keep your time too.

Oh, yeah you can just connect to me on Facebook. Just write : Akaa Kobo Chan.

I'm waiting for you. See ya.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Friendship and Love has similarity, They give us happiness, sadness, care, etc. They are connected each other. Sometimes there is love which destroy the friendship. But this is a great story that show Friendship can cooperate with love, even there's friendship with love. Yeah, I know you're confused when you read it. I talk about popular Korean tv show, named Boys Over Flowers. Here, you can see that friendship and love can walk together.

This show is played by Lee Min Ho, Kim Bum, Kim Hyong Joon, Kim Hyun Joong, and Goo Hye Sun. If you've already watched Meteor Garden ( Taiwan version ) , you'll be familiar with the story. Yeah, this is Meteor Garden in Korean Version. Bu it's totally better than the first version. Or it's just because the handsome and young actor and actreess than before, we can say it's better. But really, it has same plot, but there's a great scene development here.
Geum Jan Di ( Goo Hye Sun ), an ordinary girl who has a dry cleaner shop near by Sin Hwa School. Sin Hwa is the most popular school in Korea. Because she's saving a student's soul when the student would to suicide, she got a scholarship to study there. In the first day at school, Geum Jan Di met the four guys who are the most frightened guys at school. Yeah, they were F4. Goo Joon Pyo ( Lee Min Ho ) is the leader of F4. The other three is Soo Woo Bin, Joon Ji Hoo, and Soo Yi Jeong. Jan Di was brave to fight with them because she thought that what F4 did at school is unlogical and makes something like criminal stuffs. She made a riot and the result is F4 gave her "RED CARD" means YOU DIE !!

But day after day, F4 had a sympathy to Jan Di because she woke them up for not making any  unlogical stuffs. Especially for Goo Joon Pyo and Joon Ji Hoo. They fell in love with Jan Di. There are so many restriction stuffs which against their love. and you have to watch how huge Ji Hoo and Joon Pyo's love to Jan Di, although in the final episode Jan Di married to Joon Pyo and Ji Hoo was reputated as Jan Di's soulmate.

From the story, we can know that love can't break the friendship and friendship can be safe although in the friendship there's more love for one love. This film consists of 25 episodes. In Indonesia, BBF is the favourite one after Memories Of  Bali, Endless Love, Full House, and Coffee Prince.

I think you should watch it, because it's totally different with the previous version, like Meteor Garden ( Taiwan ), Siapa Takut Jatuh Cinta ? ( Indonesia ), and Hana Yori Dango ( Japan ) and it has their own taste about the story. So grab their DVD to complete your DVD rack at house. I guarantee, you'll love the story and being melted because of the handsome guys and cute girls there.

Happy watching !!

Friday, October 2, 2009

It's been a long time I'm not going to my hometown, Padang, West Sumatra. The last is 2001, 8 years ago and when I'm 11 years old Exactly, I live in Pariaman at that time. Pariaman is a great place. And fyi, you can go to the beach everyday if you want. Because, my house is just 1 km nearby the beach. That beach is a part from Hindia Ocean. Big waves, Cool air, it's gorgeous. But  now, that beach is being scarcity for the people who livbes there. Yeah 7,6 richter scale earthquake may cause tsunami. and if it happen, we will be swept. Luckily, it's not. But certainly, it caused a traumatic for the people. I think, the earthquake is just not shocking Sumatra, because the metal chips in the sea is still fiddling. I don't care if it doesn't cause any trouble, but It is. I hope, we don't get another earthquake.

Welcome to Aka Kobo Chan's Blog !

I am a broadcasting student. This blog contain everything. You can read about my review, my project plan ( as a broadcaster, absolutely), and whatever they are. So come in ! :-D

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